Fr Paul Pearson of the Toronto Oratory looks at John Henry Newman's reflections on conscience.
"Conscience bows to no man, it acknowledges no authority but that of truth itself. It grants us a freedom for the truth but not a freedom from the truth. Catholics live up to their human freedom and dignity by searching diligently for the truth. They are not to be denigrated as slaves because they are convinced that they have found truth at its very source.
"The same dignity of conscience that calls us to search for the truth also impels us to kneel before it once we have discovered it. Newman found that truth in the Catholic Church headed by the successor of St Peter. It was his greatest freedom to submit himself to it."
Today we're looking at Newman's famous hymn Lead Kindly Light and God's protection in the face of adversity. Fr Michael Halsall is a priest...
Two approved miracles are required to be declared a saint. The second miracle - paving the way for John Henry Newman's canonisation - came...
Fr Ignatius Harrison, Provost of the Birmingham Oratory where John Henry Newman lived, gives a reflection on Newman's writings on God's providence and the...