Historian and commentator Joanna Bogle gives us an entertaining and insightful reflection on Newman and the Church with a particular historical focus on the Church as the guardian of truth.
"[The Church] is glorious in her cherishing of truth: we cannot, we must not, ever allow ourselves to do less than honour her. Her story is a great one. Saints and martyrs, heroes and heroines, great missionary endeavours, glorious art and music, the foundations of modern sciences and of the great universities… and much, much more. We cannot, we must not, dismiss or ignore all of this, muddled though it all is – and muddied too by cruelty and injustice, by human sin and error.
"In John Henry Newman, we find a passion for truth that we should follow. It is his greatest single gift to us."
Who better to talk about John Henry Newman and the debate around faith and reason than the Theologian of the Papal Household? Dominican Father...
Joseph Harrison, a pupil at the London Oratory School who is soon to attend Newman's College in Oxford, Oriel, gives a personal reflection on...
Today, on the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we have a special 'Journeying With Newman' podcast reflecting on this great...